Baghdad Gallery | Water scarcity in Iraq... the coming doom...
Two stories and two prayers, Part 7
Two stories and two prayers, Part 6
Two stories and two prayers, Part 5
Two stories and two prayers, Part 4
Two stories and two prayers, Part 3
Two stories and two prayers, Part 2
Two stories and two prayers, Part 1
The results of the opinion poll conducted by the Polls Department at Rewaq baghdad Center for Public Policies
Baghdad Gallery | The three kings of Iraq
The workshop comes within the project of reviewing the Iraqi constitutional framework for a constitution 2005
Part of the panel discussion held by Rewaq Baghdad Center on the book "Two Stories and Two Prayers"
"Muqtada al-Sadr ... the puzzle?"
Components Dialogue Workshop held recently at Rewaq Baghdad Center in partnership with IDEA International
The first dialogue forum on declaring a national strategy to combat genocide, which was held in rewaq baghdad
Promo,,, drawn from the appreciation of the position of the Law of Emergency Support for Food Security and Development by Dr. Kamel Allawi
Part of the signing of the memorandum of understanding and partnership between the Baghdad Rewaq baghdad Center and the Trends Center for Research and Consulting
Afaq TV report on the anti-genocide forum held by Rewaq baghdad Center
Al-Rewaq poll, to find out the opinions of citizens about the possibility of re-election
The participation of Rewaq baghdad Center in the conference on countering extremism, which was held by the Salam Center for Extremism Studies