Rewaq Baghdad Center visited Al-Ahram Center in Cairo to hold a workshop entitled “Egyptian-Iraqi relations in light of the results of the Parliamentary Elections.”

Rewaq Baghdad Center visited Al-Ahram Center in Cairo to hold a workshop entitled “Egyptian-Iraqi relations in light of the results of the Parliamentary Elections.” 2021 / 30 / Oct

 Based on the invitation from the International Politics and Democracy magazines at Al-Ahram Foundation for Studies, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy visited Cairo for the purpose of holding a workshop entitled “Egyptian-Iraqi Relations in Light of the Results of the Parliamentary Elections,” which discussed the results of the legislative elections and the future of transformation. Democracy in Iraq, and Iraqi-Egyptian relations in light of the region’s transformations.

During the visit, the delegation received a warm welcome from the brothers in Al-Ahram Foundation and the International Politics and Democracy magazines, headed by Mr. Ahmed Naji Qamha, editor-in-chief of the two magazines.

The first stop of the visit began on October 17, 2021, and was a joint workshop held in the presence of a large number of Egyptian intellectual and research figures, including:

1. Mr. Jamal Al-Kashki, editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram Al-Arabi magazine

2. Major General Dr. Mohamed Mujahid Al-Zayat / Academic Advisor to the Egyptian Center for Thought and Strategic Studies

3. Dr. Adel Abdel Sadiq / expert at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies

4. Dr. Weam Othman / Head of the Department of Political Science at Port Said University

5. Dean Dr. Khaled Okasha / Director of the Egyptian Center for Thought and Strategic Studies

6. Dr. Hanan Abu Sakin / expert at the National Center for Criminal and Social Research

7. Dr. Alia Abdel Raouf Amer/ demographic expert

At the beginning of the workshop, the Riwaq delegation received distinguished appreciation and warmth from all attendees. Discussion was opened on various topics, the most prominent of which were:

🔴 Talking about the role that the Center plays in supporting the Iraqi state’s orientations towards openness to its Arab brothers during the next stage. The destiny of Iraq is the necessity of creating a regional and international balance within Iraq, away from antagonizing any foreign party.

🔴 The brothers expressed the importance of relations between Iraq and Egypt as two ancient peoples distinguished by a deep and established civilization, and the Center’s delegation emphasized this same fact.

🔴 The importance of Iraq returning to playing a major regional role in bringing viewpoints between different countries was emphasized.

🔴 Mr. Abbas Al-Anbouri also stressed that Iraq is going through a stage of progress in building its emerging democracy, and that this would not have been possible without the sacrifices of the Iraqis in building their country and defending their land from attacks by terrorist groups. Iraq needs concerted efforts and to be a point of meeting without disagreement between the countries of the region.

He also indicated that Iraq does not want to be a prisoner of any foreign projects and that its national project is the solution, and that this national project is proceeding slowly for many reasons that have roots in history. But the Iraqis are brave and capable of changing reality for the better.

🔴 In addition to emphasizing that the dynamism of the political system in Iraq and its ability to transform through interaction with the requirements of the public will certainly contribute to establishing the foundations of democracy, pluralism, and the peaceful transfer of power as an alternative to dictatorship and individual rule, which will have no place in Iraq’s future.

🔴 The electoral expert at the Baghdad Corridor, the human rights activist Adnan Abdul Hussein, also touched on the map of the electoral results and their impact on building alliances and forming the Iraqi government. He also stressed that the recent Iraqi elections enjoyed a high degree of integrity, despite all the objections. This does not mean that there are no errors here or there.

🔴 On the sidelines of the joint meeting in the workshop, Mr. Ali Hassoun Khadr thanked Dr. Hanan Abu Sakin and Dr. Alia Amer for their interest in the surveys prepared by Rwaq Baghdad and the analytical report on the results of the survey that they presented during the session, which had a high degree of objectivity, accuracy, and scientific analysis. In turn, he expressed Rawaq Baghdad's readiness to cooperate in training Iraqi cadres on opinion polls in cooperation with Al-Ahram Foundation.

🔴In addition, Major General Dr. Muhammad Mujahid Al-Zayat initiated a comprehensive review of the electoral results map in a scientific and objective manner that impressed the attendees, and in high-level professional participatory fo Rewaq Baghdad Center delegation, which was headed by Mr. Abbas Al-Anbouri, head of the center, represented:

1. Jurist Adnan Abdel Hussein/ Executive Director of the Center and its electoral expert

2. Engineer Ali Hassoun / Member of the Board of Directors and Head of the Surveys Department

3. Ms. Aya Al-Hakim/ Director of Programs and Public Relations