Rewaq Baghdad Center, hosted by the Dar Al-Ilm Imam Al-Khoei Foundation in Najaf

Rewaq Baghdad Center, hosted by the Dar Al-Ilm Imam Al-Khoei Foundation in Najaf 2021 / 29 / Oct

 Rewaq Baghdad Center, hosted by the Dar Al-Ilm Imam Al-Khoei Foundation in Najaf, Dar Al-Ilm Imam Al-Khoei Al-Khoei Institute

Where the head of the Baghdad Rawaq Center, Abbas Al-Anbouri, and members of the center’s board of directors met with the head of the Dar Al-Ilm Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, His Eminence Mr. Jawad Al-Khoei.

During the visit, important issues were discussed, including the dimensions, objectives and outcomes of the recent visit of His Holiness Pope Francis, Pope of the Vatican, to Najaf and his meeting with the Supreme Authority, His Eminence Sayyed Al-Sistani.

During the meeting, Mr. Al-Khoei discussed the importance of the vital and positive role of Najaf in enhancing opportunities for religious, civilizational and humanitarian communication and rapprochement between sects, religions and cultures and the possibility of it being an incubator for constructive intellectual dialogue, represented by the religious authority in Najaf.

For their part, the president and members of the center thanked the opportunity to meet in preparation for informing local and foreign public opinion through the Baghdad Riwaq Center about the specifics of the visit and its results through a long, revealing conversation that addressed its important aspects and future implications. While His Eminence Mr. Jawad Al-Khoei confirmed that the success of this visit has greatly paved the way for the crystallization of other meetings at the level of the religious authority in Najaf and the Sheikhdom of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, represented by His Eminence the Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, who will make a similar visit to Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf soon.