About the Book

Iraq is in terms of strategic location, resources, capabilities, cultural heritage and important roles that it has promoted historically a pivotal country in its regional environment in the Middle East and active in making its events and influential in policy trends in it and competing with large regional countries for status, leadership and role, and has been determined on the basis of this the nature of its relations, alliances and pivotal alignments and ranged the pattern of its interactions between Al-Sadra and cooperation and was supposed to Historical facts, along with geographical facts and social and cultural factors, to support a stable cooperative pattern in Iraq's relations with its Arab and Islamic surroundings, but its relations with the regional environment have been dominated by conflict and wars, especially after the middle of the last century, but this is not fate, but a situation that can be overcome by correct and balanced political behavior internally and externally, and this is what the book aims to open new horizons for Iraq's foreign relations based on the variables that Got after 2003


Iraq's foreign relations are influenced firstly by internal developments, secondly by the nature of the turbulent regional environment, and thirdly by the international system and power strategy. 

Between the fate of history and the captivity of geography - the variables of Iraq's regional and international relations
Between the fate of history and the captivity of geography - the variables of Iraq's regional and international relations