Mosul's geostrategic position (a vision of the introduction and internal and regional dimensions)

Mosul's geostrategic position (a vision of the introduction and internal and regional dimensions) 2023 / 10 / Jun

 Mosul's geostrategic position (a vision of the introduction and internal and regional dimensions),

The title of the fourth Al-Riwaq platform session, which was held at the Baghdad Public Policy Center, was presented by Dr. Ali Bashar Agwan, speaking about the social picture and the active forces in the city of Mosul, with all its political, economic, historical and cultural aspects, and the fact that it is an Iraqi governorate with a very important geostrategic dimension, and what It constitutes a great investment opportunity as it is a destroyed city and needs to rebuild everything in it. The symposium was moderated by Dr. Alaa Hamid Idris, and included an elite group of researchers and official and social figures.