Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy” hosted, the financial and economic expert, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh

Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy” hosted, the financial and economic expert, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh 2019 / 05 / Aug

Last Saturday, August 3, 2019, Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy” hosted, in its discussion symposium, the financial and economic expert, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, to talk about “the problem“ of the banking system in Iraq and its impact on foreign investment,” amid an elite and specialized presence. The guest reviewed the mechanisms of banking work in the country, and what are the difficulties facing the Iraqi currency market, as well as the decline in Iraqi banking performance compared to its Arab and foreign counterparts.


The symposium witnessed interventions by the attendees, including detailed answers by Dr. Saleh, while at the end of the symposium, the center’s management presented him with a certificate of appreciation, in appreciation of his knowledge efforts and hard work in the field of the national economy.