Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy held a dialogue symposium that discussed “Texts reviewed in Al-Mawrid Magazine”

Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy held a dialogue symposium that discussed “Texts reviewed in Al-Mawrid Magazine” 2022 / 19 / Feb

In the presence of a number of academics and those interested in cultural affairs, Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy held a dialogue symposium that discussed “the reviewed texts in Al-Mawrid Magazine” and the draft index of the magazine’s issues since its publication in 1971 until now, which was adopted by the House of Cultural Affairs at the Ministry of Culture. During which, the editor-in-chief of Al-Mawrid magazine, Dr. Youssef Iskandar, and a member of the magazine’s editorial board, Mr. Haider Kadhim Al-Jubouri, were hosted, who pointed out the importance of the project. Al-Mawrid magazine is considered one of the most important and ancient cultural magazines, which played a prominent role in enriching the cultural and intellectual arena with cultural heritage knowledge production, as well as being an important reference for many Arab and foreign researchers.