Legal analysis of the contractual relationship between Al-Rafidain Bank and Ishtar Gate Company
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Diplomacy of Accusations Türkiye and Iran: Extended Differences..and Possible Pathways
The content and effect of the currency selling window
he global impacts of climate change are widespread and unprecedented in scale, from changing weather patterns that threaten food produ....
The economic development processes were and are still paralyzed in Iraq mainly for political factors and factors to keep pace with deve....
Iraq is one of the first countries in which hydrocarbon resources (oil and gas) were discovered in commerci.....
ransitional justice can be defined as practical applications or measures taken by authorities who left the dictatorship and moved to the democratic ru...
Contrasting indicators of the Turkish-Syrian rapprochement.. Motives and challenges
Cyber security in Iraq
Various Dimensions The Iranian Orientation Towards Africa... Tools - Motives - Challenges
Private schools in Iraq, reality and hope
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