The proceedings of the sixth dialogue symposium held by Rewaq Baghdad Center for Public Policy took place in Erbil within the project to evaluate the performance of the Iraqi constitution for the year 2005. The symposium included, in addition to the members of the project’s dialogue committee, Kurdish political, academic, legal and cultural elites who discussed the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil and the overall challenges and problems they face, as the article 140, the disputed areas, the oil and gas law, etc., and the possibility of resolving them politically or constitutionally by listening directly and knowing the opinions of the Kurdish elites and political forces about those problems and challenges that plagued the nature of the relationship with Baghdad, and whether the defect lies in a constitutional dimension related to the form of the laws and the way they are presented and applied. ? Or is it related to political dimensions that represented an obstacle to reaching a resolution of problems between the two sides? While another axis dealt with the form of the government system and the challenges that the political system in general and the parliamentary system in particular suffers from. Is there a possibility to change it constitutionally and replace it with a presidential or semi-presidential system or not? Or is it sufficient to make fundamental constitutional amendments to it in order to improve it and ensure its continuity, in addition to addressing the form of the relationship? Between the three legislative, executive and judicial authorities, it is noteworthy that the project to evaluate the performance of the 2005 Iraqi constitution is currently being implemented in cooperation between the Baghdad Rawaq Center for Public Policy and the IDEA Foundation for Democracy and Elections.