Rewaq Baghdad center has held, in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy a panel of discussion entitled "Iraqi-Indonesian Relations: Challenges and the Future".

Rewaq Baghdad center has held, in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy a panel of discussion entitled "Iraqi-Indonesian Relations: Challenges and the Future". 2020 / 01 / Aug

 Rewaq Baghdad center has held, in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy at the 26th of July, 2020 a panel of discussion entitled "Iraqi-Indonesian Relations: Challenges and the Future". The panal was attended by academics, researchers and businessmen. The discussion included topics that are related to the significance and the need to: First, Increasing the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and Indonesia, which forms now around 200 million dollars annually. Second, providing more facilities to grant entry visas to Iraqis wishing enjoy tourism in Indonesia and vice versa taking into consideration that Iraq is an important destination for religious tourism and religious education for a large number of Indonesians. Third, The importance of starting direct flights between the two countries that could contribute to reducing transportation fees and increasing the number of visits between the two countries. Fourth, The need to increase the number of study fellowships for Iraqis, and to increase the facilities for admission to Indonesian universities. Rewaq Baghdad believes in the necessity to open the horizons for commercial, tourism, and educational cooperation between Iraq and many friendly and peaceful countries such as the Republic of Indonesia that have historical, cultural, religious and knowledge ties with Iraq. At the end of the panel Al-Rawaq committee thanked the Indonesian embassy for their generous hospitality and the pleasant meeting, amid the Covid 19 health concerns and making sure all appropriate health precautions are taken.

We are grateful to the Indonesian embassy and Charge’ de affairs Mr. Harrynsah Khairul for this generous opportunity.