A symposium and book signing event were held for the book "Dynamics of Identity: The End and Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East" by Dr. Saad Saloom

A symposium and book signing event were held for the book "Dynamics of Identity: The End and Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East" by Dr. Saad Saloom 2023 / 11 / Mar

A book signing ceremony was held for the book "Dynamics of Identity: The End and Emergence of Diversity in the Middle East" by Dr. Saad Saloom, the winner of the 2022 Ibn Rushd Award for Free Thought. The ceremony was attended by a wide range of official, social, and religious figures, as well as researchers in the field of diversity and minority issues. The ceremony took place at the Al-Rawaq Baghdad Center for Public Policies. 


At the conclusion of the ceremony, Dr. Saad signed copies of the book at the Al-Rawaq Publishing House and Distribution.